Urgent: Give critical health supplies in Gaza
10 Beautiful Eid Decorations For Your Home
A Moment of Relief: The Ceasefire in Gaza and What Comes Next
After 15+ months of relentless violence and devastation, this pause in hostilities brings hope, but it also serves as a stark reminder of the immense challenges ahead… and for humanitarian organisations like ours, it is a turning point—a chance to ramp up efforts to help the victims of oppression recover and begin rebuilding lives.
365 Days: Reflecting on Resilience, Resistance, and Revolution
Dua After Eating
Dua for a Traveller
Dua To Pass Your Exam
Duas for Laylatul Qadr: The Night of Power
Eid Gift Guide
Faduma’s Story: A Mother’s Resilience in Somalia
Laylatul Qadr: The Night of Power
Muharram: The Sacred Month in Islam
Preparing for Ramadan
Rajab: Plant the Seeds for Ramadan
Sha’ban: Preparing the Heart for Ramadan
The 15th Night of Sha’ban: A Night of Reflection and Forgiveness
The Signs of Laylatul Qadr
Voices of Resilience: Palestinian Australians Share Stories of Hope at Parliament House
Introducing Our Month of Advocacy: Uniting for Justice and Change
12 Duas You Should Make This Ramadan
Eid Gifts For Him
3 Ethical Eid Gift Ideas for Men
The countdown to Eid is well and truly underway with mere days to go before we welcome Eid ul Adha and insha’Allah are granted the opportunity to celebrate yet another Eid with our loved ones. Today we’re discussing Eid gifts for men, so if you have spent the last week browsing through sites only to stop halfway because the options are too overwhelming, this gift guide will help. Grab your card, pick a gift idea and sit back and wait for it to arrive!
Men are notoriously difficult to buy for, and it’s usually because they themselves don’t quite know what they need/ want or are very specific about what it is they would like! I often have to keep an ear out all year round for things that my brother mentions, for example, just so I know I’m not going to be wasting time purchasing him something he is going to end up returning. If you’re still looking for the perfect gifts for the men in your life, here are three gift ideas for men under $30 to help you in your search:
1. An Audible subscription
Audible subscriptions are brilliant for those on the move or people who are avid readers that would love to read more but are unable to find the time. With over 200,000 titles they are bound to find something they would love and what’s more, there is usually a month’s free trial! This is also great for younger children or students because it familiarises them with more vocabulary and teaches them critical listening amongst other things.
2. An Islamic-themed gift basket
You could also put together a gift basket with things they would like or need – their favourite attar, homemade treats, a new tasbih, a pair of khufs for when they are out and about, or even a DVD of Islamic lectures that they can listen to in the car.
3. Personalised gifts
In all the years I have been gift giving, I find that gifts that have been personalised always go down a treat. One of my husband’s favourite gifts is an engraved wooden keychain that features a message from our son on one side, and a little calendar with the date of his birth marked off on the other.
From mugs, to socks, to notebooks or photo books – there are plenty of options for personalising gifts and when you tailor the gift to the recipient, they know you’ve put in a little more thought and effort into it. You could even have a special quote or photograph printed and framed for them so they have something to fondly look back on.
We hope you find some of these suggestions useful!
About the Author
Iman is a working mum, a wife and organising junkie. She blogs at Organised by Iman (www.organisedbyiman.com), where she shares the beautiful, chaotic, ever-changing life journey that she's on through her parenting experiences, reflections, organising and creative projects, and more.
3 Ethical Gift Ideas for Kids
In a world full of hundreds of toys and gift options for kids of all ages, the surprising thing is there is not a lot of stuff that fall into the category of ‘ethical gifts for kids’. Here are some options that we’ve put together, the last in our series of gift ideas, for the little ones in your lives!
3 Ways you can help Syrian Refugees today!
The Syrian refugee crisis is a complex problem that can be hard to get your head around, let alone finding out what you can do to about it. MAA recognises the difficulty in finding solutions that we can all contribute to so here are some ways YOU can help today!
Make a donation
Making a donation to a local NGO may seem simple enough but sometimes it isn’t as clear cut as it seems. No matter who you donate to, always ask questions. What are your admin fees? Does your funding go directly to the refugees or their governing bodies? These questions will help you find out and better understand where your donations are going and, most importantly, how much of it is making an impact in the lives of Syrian Refugees. By giving yourself this knowledge, you will be able to make more informed decisions on who to donate to making your donation go further. To make donation towards MAA's Syrian Emergency Appeal, please click here.Volunteering
Not everyone has the finances to donate but that shouldn’t stop you from being able to help! Volunteering is one of the most common ways of helping NGOs around the world. It can be worked around your availabilities and schedule so there is minimal impact to your study or family time. No matter your skill set or experience you can always be of use to your local charity organisation. Whether it is collecting donations, office support or event participation your time is valued and 100% NEEDED! By Volunteering your time, you are directly assisting NGOs, allowing them to continue running life changing and supportive programs for refugees and disadvantaged people around the world. Visit our volunteer page here to find out how you can volunteer and help make a difference.
Make Yourself Heard!
Support them using your voice when they can’t use their own. Write letters to your governments and politicians. Tell them how you feel about their Refugee policies, or lack thereof, and make sure they know where you stand. The more people use their voices and make their opinions known the less likely issues will be swept under the rug. It may seem fruitless as one person but collectively as a group and as a community, we CAN make a difference.Don't forget that social media is a powerful platform that forces change and is easily accessible to most people. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or another platform, speak out, use hashtags in your messages, or do whatever you can to ensure that you are actively involved in such topics. At the very least, Like/Share or join the trending discussions and help spread the word. Finally, the most important point is to always pray for those who are suffering. No doubt, this is the easiest way to do your bit to help our brothers and sisters across the world who are in trouble.
5 Sunnahs To Revive This Ramadan
A Day in the Life of Prophet Muhammad (saw) - Part 1
The Prophet was a son. A husband. A father. A friend. A preacher. A leader. A statesman. An Army commander. And he was the BEST in each and every role he played in his life. Have you ever wondered how he managed such multiple roles so spectacularly?
A Day in the Life of Prophet Muhammad (saw) - Part 2
What is Taraweeh?
A Muslim's Lifestyle - not just about eating Halal!
The lifestyle of a person is the sum total of their attitude and activities. These days, the term ‘lifestyle’ gives one a misconception about a high end living that we see splashed out in those glossy lifestyle magazines. But simply put, it is just how we live. And for us Muslims we should know how to live. It is by following the lifestyle Islam teaches us to.
But just as how those magazines lead the whole world to believe that lifestyle is all about the exterior, these days Muslims also, unfortunately, believe that an Islamic lifestyle is all about following some rituals and finding halal food places to eat.
But is that it? What does Islam really say about living as a Muslim?
Here are some points to ponder upon.
1. Obedience to The One Almighty:
Of course, being a Muslim basically asks us to be submissive to only One Power and to obey all the halals and harams mentioned in His Book and the authentic Sunnah. And that doesn't include just the eating rules. Rather, we need to ensure what we earn, spend, wear, live in and more is of halal means and mode. Along with forbidding ourselves from visible harams like drinks, drugs and riba (interest), we need to ensure that we stay away from eating off an orphan’s money or from backbiting or ridiculing or cheating and many vices that Quran prohibits as such.
2. Sincerity in Deeds:
But it is not just enough to obey and perform our Islamic duties. We need to do them sincerely. From the acts of worship to maintaining relationships and dealing with people around us, a Muslim should be sincere and transparent in everything they do. Remember, Allah SWT looks at our hearts more than the deeds.
3. Seeking Excellence:
The biggest trap many of us fall in is the trap of being an “average” Muslim. As a Muslim, mediocrity is never what we should settle for in life. We need to live seeking excellence in every role we play. We need to ensure that each day, we spend our time productively and wisely. A proactive lifestyle is mandatory for a Muslim.
That sums up how our attitude to life should be. Next time, we will go through some of the main character traits that will help immensely to lead a true Muslim lifestyle. In sha Allah!
MAA is accredited by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), responsible for managing the Australian Government’s aid program.
Farzana Rijas is a Homoeopathic Physician by profession currently pursuing her passion for writing. She likes to learn and share anything that inspires her to live a productive life.
A Warm Winter In Pakistan
Winter has arrived in Pakistan and in such circumstances the poor suffer immensely due to the inadequate resources available.
Australia Drought Relief - Round 3
Australia Drought Relief - Round 4
Australia Drought Relief: Round 1 & 2
The MAA national team, in association with partners Muslim Charitable Foundation, Deen Brothers, Strike Fuels, Mactrans Heavy Haulage, and Global Aid Foundation have successfully delivered over 30,000 kgs of hay bales to farmers hard-hit by the ongoing drought in Australia.
Clean Water – The Essential Luxury
Taps, baths, showers, swimming pools. Many of us know what these things are and arguably, many would agree that we have become accustomed to seeing these in our homes, shopping centres and even our local parks. But imagine a world where these commodities were not readily available and even rarely seen.
Clean Water for Gaza
Clean Water for Rohingya Refugees
Cyclone Winston devastates Fiji
Dhul Hijjah Guide: Plan your first 10 days
Dig Deeper 4 Somalia
Dua Before Entering and Leaving Mosque (Masjid)
Dua for Breaking Fast
Dua for success
Success is a concept that extends beyond wealth and fame. In Islam, true success encompasses both worldly achievements and eternal happiness in the Hereafter.
Duas for the Last 10 Days of Ramadan: Maximise Your Worship and Embrace Allah’s (SWT) Blessings
Easy Access to Clean Water for the Elderly
Emergency Triple R Approach
Eid Gifts For Her
Eid is a time to celebrate, so for those of you frantically looking for gift ideas, our gift ideas series is just what you need! If you’re reading this because you need to buy a gift for your wife, mother, sister, daughter, niece, grandmother or aunt – here are three easy gift ideas for women, all under $30.
Face-off: Donating vs. Volunteering
From our experience at MAA, we have found that donors and volunteers, quite often, are one and the same. Both value the organisation they are contributing towards and believe in the cause and both require recognition and nurturing in order to ensure they are willing to keep donating their time or money.
It is worth bearing in mind that donations fund projects and overheads, but most importantly, they also fund staff and volunteers. It can be argued that volunteers invest far more into an organisation than donors do, because all donors have to do is make a payment. But in order to accept offers of volunteering, an organisation must ensure that it is equipped to manage volunteers appropriately and delegate them tasks according to their skillsets, which comes in the form of training and supervision. Often, a paid staff member is required to oversee the recruitment, induction, training and supervision of volunteers and this is done partially or fully with the help of donations. Donors provide an organisation with the means to carry out projects and add to their workforce by funding staff and subsequently, volunteers.
But isn’t volunteering technically the same as donating? In a way, it is. After all, what greater asset does one possess than time itself? There are some forms of volunteering where engagement with vulnerable members of society, such as children, the elderly or victims of abuse, is paramount. It is impossible to put a value on face-to-face engagement, particularly when someone is volunteering to support and connect with the most vulnerable people in our societies. It requires passionate, committed volunteers whose enthusiasm is not likely to wane; people who can be relied upon to continue contributing to the charity. Volunteering generates a longstanding effect of greater community involvement, goodwill and eventually, higher numbers of donors.
To conclude, it would be wrong to suggest that one is better than the other and naïve to believe that volunteers could exist without the donors or vice versa. As individuals, what is most important, of course, is that we continue to support those less fortunate than us, and commit unwaveringly to those organisations working tirelessly to improve their quality of life.
Iman is a working mum, a wife and organising junkie. She blogs at Organised by Iman (www.organisedbyiman.com), where she shares the beautiful, chaotic, ever-changing life journey that she's on through her parenting experiences, reflections, organising and creative projects, and more.
Fiji: Providing Secure Homes to vulnerable communities
For Gaza, For Humanity: Every Voice, Every Action Counts.
Gaza: A Cry for Help
As of November 2023, Gaza, Palestine, is in the throes of a severe humanitarian crisis. Over 2.3 million Palestinians are entrapped in Gaza, confronting immense hardship due to escalated conflict.
Happiness: How Do You Measure It?
For a mum, delivering a baby is usually one of the most painful incidents in human life.
As a student of medicine, even just seeing the whole procedure was traumatic for me. Yet, when everything was over and the baby cried for the first time, the new mum who, just moments ago was in excruciating pain, was suddenly the most happy person ever. Ever wondered how or why that happened? Ever stopped for a moment to measure the level of happiness in your life?
How Can I Help Palestine?
Kids & Palestine Part 1
Kids & Palestine Part 3
Lessons from the story of Prophet Ibrahim
Little Seeds Launch!
MAA and MCF Work Together in Brisbane
MAA COVID-19 Response
MAA is keeping a close eye on the developments and government advice, and has been consulting with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and ACFID. Our team of executives have been meeting regularly to discuss our response to this changing situation, and we are on stand by to support you with any concerns that you may have as a donor.
MAA Launches A Unique Gifting Experience
MAA Launches Permaculture Project for Syrian Refugees in Zaatari Refugee Camp
MAA Launches VR 360
We look forward to seeing you on the ground with us!
MAA Partners with Brothers in Need
MAA Partners with Clothing4Dawah
MAA Partners with Gallipoli Fitness
Making the Most Out of Hajj
1.Perform Hajj for Allah Alone:
When millions from all over the world get together in one place, there is bound to be situations where things won't go that easy. But whatever hurdles come your way, reassuring yourself that you are doing it for Allah’s sake will work wonders. Allah SWT tells us about the Hajj in the Glorious Qur’an – “And take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best provision is At-Taqwa (piety, righteousness, etc.). So fear Me, O men of understanding!”. So when things are tough, be aware that Allah is watching how you respond to those challenges and remember to be patient!
2. Prepare Well:
To make sure your Hajj experience is going to be spiritually excellent and in sha Allah accepted by Allah (SWT), it is very important to pay attention to the following BEFORE you leave:
Perfect your Salah by performing it with Taqwa and a clear understanding of what you are reciting and doing.
Memorise or keep a Dua and Isthighfaar list (with meanings) especially for the time in Arafat and also during the time spent waiting for buses or travelling.
Read up on the history of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to relive all the acts of Hajj with the same emotions he and Hajar had gone through.
Pack to travel light but remember to carry everything that will keep you comfortable enough to perform your Hajj properly.
Take care of your health! If you are overweight, have high blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol or are simply addicted to coffee or tea, try and become fit and get rid of these habits before commencing the journey.
Before departure, remember to pay off ALL debts, sort your grudges and reconcile with friends. Ensure that no harm is done or left uncompensated prior to Hajj.
3. Training to be Patient:
Generally in life and especially during something as momentous as Hajj, we need to slow down and train ourselves to put others before us. Unfortunately, this is where we often fail. Last Eid when I went to visit Masjid Nabawi it was disheartening to see women rushing to visit Rawdah Shareef without watching out for little kids and the elderly. Yes, the excitement does take over but what is the benefit throwing away all the rewards we are accumulating by pushing and shoving others, letting our impatience and anger take over? Remember Allah looks at our hearts and not just the enormity of the rituals we do. We must not be selfish and also keep away from abusive and angry conversations during Hajj.
4. Time to be Reborn:
Hajj, and especially Arafat Day can be compared in many ways to the Final Gathering of Judgement Day that each of us will face. In front of Allah SWT, when all pilgrims, in their ihram, have gathered leaving their material possessions and ties, there is no better time to be ‘reborn’. Grab this great opportunity and beg Allah to rewind and help you restart your life so you can return as a newborn baby and are able to lead a life like the best of creation, Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
5. Celebrate Unity:
The time you spend in Makkah and Medina during Hajj is a great time to get to know and interact with Muslims worldwide. After all, we are ONE Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Inculcating that bond of oneness amongst us irrespective of the differences should be a definite aim of our Hajj. Even if you find others not very forthcoming, take the initiative and reach out whenever possible by exchanging salaam or offering some food or simply sharing a smile with your fellow Muslims!
Making the most of Hajj is important, but remember that in the end, what is also very important is how we lead our lives after the Hajj. The readiness we show to answer Allah’s call while chanting Labbaik Allahumma labbaik should shine through our entire life once we return from this blessed trip.
May Allah give those of us going for Hajj this year a blessed and accepted pilgrimage and invite those who cannot go this year to His house as soon as possible. Ameen.
Farzana Rijas is a Homoeopathic Physician by profession currently pursuing her passion for writing. She likes to learn and share anything that inspires her to live a productive life.
Meals of Mercy App: A Global Movement
Over 1.38 million meals have distributed through the Meals of Mercy app!
Meaningful Gifts
Media Release: Urgent Call for Australia Intervention in Gaza
Navigating Qurban and Multiple Eid Dates: Can My Qurban Be Performed Overseas Before My Eid Prayer?
Preparing for Hajj: Essential tips for pilgrims during Dhul Hijjah
Hajj is a profound and often once-in-a-lifetime experience. Proper preparation ensures that you can fully immerse yourself in the pilgrimage and perform the rituals correctly.
Qurban- How to Maximize your impact?
It is that time of year again! The time of year where we, as Muslims, perform Qurban. We do this year after year but do we know why?
Reminder: 3 Things to Do before Eid-al-Adha
Syrian Refugees Keep Warm
2.5 million. That’s the number of Syrians who have fled a revolution turned civil war.
Teen Deen's Raise for Indonesia
The Day of Arafah: What is it, Why is it Important?
The Day of Arafah, the pinnacle of the Hajj pilgrimage, offers Muslims an unparalleled opportunity to seek Allah's favour and forgiveness. This sacred day, marked by fasting, prayers, and acts of devotion, is a time for spiritual renewal and immense blessings. Learn how to make the most of this extraordinary day and fulfil the noble tradition of Qurban.
The Hour of Accepted Dua: The Best Time for Your Supplications
The significance of Dhul Hijjah
Dhul Hijjah, marking the end of the Islamic year, holds immense significance due to four major events: Hajj, the Day of Arafah, Qurban, and Eid ul-Adha. The first 10 days of this month are particularly virtuous, surpassing even Ramadan in merit.
The Worsening Crisis in Gaza: Families Facing Famine
United to Provide Clean Water for Gaza
We Must Reach All of the Besieged Areas in Syria
We've Dug Deep 4 Somalia
Why Let Charities Decide?
When it comes to charitable giving, donors often want to have a say in where their money goes. However, charities like MAA International have the expertise and data-driven approach to allocate funds where they can have the most significant impact. By trusting charities to decide where to give your Zakah and Sadaqah, you're helping to provide life-saving assistance to the world's most vulnerable populations.
Working Together with Australia's Indigenous Community
On Saturday 25th July 2020, saw a successful joint venture realised.
Muslim Aid Australia, Muslim Charitable Foundation and Brothers in Need packed and delivered 100 hampers of non-perishable items, 50 boxes of fruit and vegetables to the Aboriginal community in Deception Bay.
Yemen Needs You!
Yemen is one of the poorest and driest countries in the world that is located in the Middle East and borders Saudi Arabia and Oman. Due to the ongoing conflict, the people of Yemen have been robbed of their lives, their hope and their right to live in dignity.
Thousands have been killed, tens of thousands have been injured, and more than three million have been forced to leave their homes. Yes, Yemen may just be another country suffering from poverty and the effects of conflict but it DESERVES OUR URGENT ATTENTION! Here is why:
- Yemen has a population of 26 million Yemenis of which, 21.2 million are in need of some form of humanitarian assistance.
- At risk are migrants from the Horn of Africa and over 3 million internally displaced - nearly half of whom are children.
- 14 million people are food insecure of which 7 million are so severely food insecure that they do not know where their next meal is coming from.
Children are the worst off
- Of the two million people who are malnourished nationwide, 370,000 are children.
- Since March 2015, thousands of children under the age of five have perished from preventable diseases as a result of the sharp decline in the availability of immunizations and remedies for diarrhoea and pneumonia.
How can you help?
MAA International has an ongoing Emergency Appeal for Yemen where we reach out to the most vulnerable people and assist them with their needs. We also have a unique Grocery Support Program where for just ONE dollar a day, you can support a family in need with their groceries (including 2kg of fresh meat or chicken!).
If you cannot contribute financially, please try to share this and encourage your friends and family to do so. Visit our social media pages to keep in touch with our work!