Understanding Kaffarah (Kaffara): The Islamic Atonement for Violating Sacred Obligations
Kaffarah, also known as Kaffara, is a significant concept in Islamic jurisprudence. Stemming from the Arabic root kaf • fa • ra, it translates to "atonement" or "expiation" and refers to a compensatory act required when certain sacred obligations are violated.
Kaffarah and Fidyah: Distinguishing Between Two Forms of Islamic Compensation
Kaffarah (Kaffara): A compensatory penalty for intentionally breaking specific sacred obligations, such as deliberately breaking a Ramadan fast.
Fidyah (or Fidya): A compensatory act or fee for not meeting a religious obligation due to valid reasons, such as illness preventing one from fasting.
Identifying Violations: When is Kaffarah (Kaffara) Required in Islam?
The Quran and Hadiths outline five primary violations necessitating Kaffarah (Kaffara):
- Deliberately breaking a Ramadan fast.
- Violating a sworn oath.
- Transgressing the sacred rites of the Hajj pilgrimage.
- Manslaughter, whether voluntary or involuntary.
- Engaging in zihar, an archaic practice of estranging one's wife in a specific manner.
Defining Penalties: What Constitutes Kaffarah (Kaffara) in Different Violations?
The specific Kaffarah (Kaffara) varies based on the violation and the violator's circumstances. Commonly prescribed Kaffarah's (Kaffara) include:
- Providing food for the needy.
- Observing a specific number of fasts.
- Certain violations allow for a choice between these penalties, while others enforce a sequential order based on the individual's capacity.
Calculating Kaffarah (Kaffara): Rates and Requirements for Specific Islamic Violations
Ramadan Fast Violation:
- Fast for two continuous Islamic months, or
- If not feasible, feed 60 needy individuals.
Breaking an Oath:
- Choose to feed or clothe 10 needy individuals, or
- If financially incapable, fast for three days.
Hajj Violations: The penalties vary, depending on the nature of the transgression. They can range from animal sacrifices, feeding the poor, to observing additional fasts.
How do I Pay Kaffarah (Kaffara) in Islam?
Kaffarah (Kaffara) payments, most commonly for fast and oath violations, can be complex due to their specific requirements. For those needing assistance, MAA International offers a dedicated Kaffarah (Kaffara) payment and distribution via our website.